Evening Photos: Some photos from this morning & a flower

Today I have been at a barbeque/birthday get together, it was very nice indeed! Real good food and great cake! But this morning I managed to get a photo of the rainbow over Straume Sotra Fjell, and also I managed to find my friends from before(sunset shot of sheep a few days ago). Today it was quite windy with a lot of clouds, so it made for some nice photography.

My daughter has met a lot of new people today, she got a bit emberassed(in the embarrassed phase that toddlers usually go into at some point). But soon she got house warm and started stealing the show and making her “phff” noises as usual and screaming at high octaves like she enjoys to do. Hope you like the photography, and here is the gallery:

18 thoughts on “Evening Photos: Some photos from this morning & a flower

    1. I am so glad someone likes my writing also, I am of course mostly happy about people liking my photos since that is what my blog is about. But it is very nice that someone reads the text also 🙂 Much appreciated

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